Our blogs are of extensive nature and written by professional writers. Blogs on the market share and extensive modules of Joomla can be assimilated by the users and definitely of immense help. They are meant to increase your knowledge depth regarding content management system like Joomla. You can also know about the basic differences that are registered between two customized CMS platforms and these are WordPress and Joomla.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Joomla Content Management System
Joomla is one of the leading open-source Content Management System. It is not as complicated as Dupral yet not lucid as WordPress. It can help you if you desire to build up websites. The unique feature of Joomla is that it is the intermediate CMS which has...
IonCube Malware: Outdated CMS Put Joomla At Risk
The outdated CMS can put Joomla on risk as the IonCube Malware can be used by the hackers to hack the profile of the users. IonCube is a powerful PHP Encoder which is quite old but efficient and reliable. This is mainly used for various purposes like...
Most Popular Website Running Joomla As CMS
Joomla is one of the leading CMS setups for web designing. There are a number of websites which use Joomla as the designer. Given their credibility and esteem, Joomla can be considered as one of the most reliable CMSs in the world. In accordance with the...
Vulnerability: CMS Bug Gets A Patch After Years
Joomla is one of the leading open-source Content Management System (CMS). For the last eight years, it was having a CMS bug. The CMS bug can be dangerous because it can be used to steal vital information in terms of the account. This can result in the...
Where To Find Resources And Plugins?
As a website owner, you are aware of the fact that how plugins are crucial for your website. Plugins help a website to prevent overloading due to presence of large number of servers. Mostly, digital marketing have made it compulsory to use wide array of...
Most Popular Module Used Today
After a major setback, Joomla has come up with its wide range of modules that are allowing users to increase visitors on their website. Administering becomes quite crucial while managing a website in an effective manner. Nowadays, one cannot think about building a...